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TALETE® promotes sustainable production in conditions of adequate water availability and in conditions of permanent or temporary shortages. Composed of biomolecules of plant origin, developed from our exclusive GeaPower® technology, Talete® acts directly on plant physiology, helping crops increase Crop Water Productivity, both when water is available in adequate quantities and when there is a water scarcity, be it permanent or temporary.

TALETE Benefits:

• Maximizes farmer income and reduces cost

• Higher irrigation efficiency

• Supports Regulated Deficit Irrigation

• Higher flexibility for farmers

• Environmental sustainability


TALETE allows operators to increase Crop Water Productivity in two main conditions:

Apply TALETE for a real biostimulant effect.

TALETE is a technical tool to enhance CWP through proper and careful water management in the following cases: water reduction, enlarge irrigation intervals, skip irrigation turns, bridge effect.  


Find out TALETE® rates and directions for use

Application Method: Fertigation

Crop Application timing Rate (gal/a)
Tomato, pepper, melon, zucchini, cucumber From fruit setting 0.5 - 1.0
Table grape From fruit setting 1.0
Almond First application from flowering/fruit setting  0.5 - 1.0
Other orchards (pomaceae, drupaceae) From fruit setting 1.0
Potato Tuber initiation 0.5 - 1.0
Corn From 4 leaves unfolded to tasseling 1.0

For extensive irrigation systems ensure a uniform distribution of treated water.


Field Trials

Graph 1. UC Davis Trial 2021 on Almonds

The average decrease in water stress in the 75% ET-irrigated plots in July and August was 2 bar in response to the Talete program.

Graph 3. UC Davis Trial 2021 on Processing Tomatoes

All Talete treatments resulted in increased yields. Particularly pronounces was the disparity between the treated and untreated plots that were deficit irrigated at 75% ET, resulting in increases of four tons per acre.

Graph 2. UC Davis Trial 2021 on Almonds

In the 100% ET-irrigated plots, Talete resulted in yield increases of approximately 100 lbs/A. Reducing irrigation to 75% ET decreased yields 350 lbs/A compared to 100% ET. The inclusion of Talete to the 75% ET-irrigated plots increased yield by 400 lbs/A, comparable to the 100% ET irrigated trees.

Graph 4. UC Davis Trial 2021on Processing Tomatoes

Talete applications also resulted in a higher percentage of red fruit, resulting in a three ton increase of red fruit at 100% ET and a six ton increase at 75% ET.



Discover Talete

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